Detailed Information

Web Push Notification

Set up fully-featured web push notifications in just minutes.

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SAAS Script for 66pusher

Application like pushmailer

Highly configurable notifications:

We offer a comprehensive and feature-rich configurator for all the push notifications you send.
  • Attach image to notifications
  • Custom URL on click
  • 2x custom action buttons
  • Dynamic titles & descriptions
  • Silent notifications, Urgency configurator, Time to live (TTL)

Comprehensive subscriber journey:

Get to understand your subscribers by monitoring their push activities.
  • Continent, Country & City
  • OS, Browser, Device
  • Referred URL page
  • Push notifications statistics
  • Logs of all actions on notifications

Fully featured push campaigns:

Prepare, schedule & send push campaigns to your subscribers with ease.
  • Spintax support for titles and descriptions
  • Use collected custom parameters for titles and descriptions
  • Send campaigns to a specific group of subscribers
  • Detailed insights after the campaign is sent

Automated series of notifications:

Set up automated notification flows for new subscribers and watch your engagement grow. Here are just a few examples.
  • After 5 minutes: Welcome notification
  • After 1 day: In-depth tutorial notification
  • After 7 days: Free 30 day trial code
  • After 37 days: Upgrade to paid plan 30% discount code

Custom subscriber groups

Create segments of subscribers to easily access different type of users from your audience.
  • Custom CSV subscribers
  • Continents & countries filters
  • Filter by mobile, tablets & desktops
  • Filter by any major OS
  • Categorize by browsers
  • Filter by browser languages