Elevator Pitch: AI Voice Detector is a pioneering AI website that helps users distinguish between AI-generated and human voices, offering protection from scams and misinformation.
Key Strengths: Top-ranked on all search engines, featured on over 256 AI websites, and boasts 2.5k backlinks, solidifying its industry leadership. Unique ability to detect AI voices from any cloning platform and remove background noise, even in audio clips as short as 7 seconds.
Opportunities: Growing vulnerability to AI voice misuse highlights a crucial need for our tool. Expansive collaboration potential with journalists, law enforcement, educators, fact-checkers, and corporate executives.
Unique Selling Points: Unmatched market presence and innovative technology distinguish us from competitors, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for AI voice detection.
Monetization method: based on Services & Subscriptions
Tech Stack: not available on the listing
Indicative Price: USD $80,000
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